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Get in touch for expert advice from someone who has travelled the world.
students in the US have a bonfire night at the beach
a young guy crossing the road in downtown LA

Study in the USA - this is how we help you!

The USA is a very popular destination for international students, and we are here to help you find your dream education in 'the land of the free'. We offer free study guidance, and we are happy to answer any questions you might have about studying in college or university as an international student. With us, our study guidance is always free of charge.

Get free study guidance

We know how you can finance your studies in the USA, how to apply for public and private scholarship, where you can live, whether you can apply for student-jobs, and we make sure you don't miss any important information. Receiving our guidance is free.

In the USA you can study:

  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • Semester/Study Abroad
  • Associate Degree
  • Diploma/Certificate (a specialization within your field)
  • MBA
  • Ph.D.
  • Academic English

....in other words, anything is possible. The United States is a country for the adventurous no matter whether you have education or travel experiences on your mind. The american people are welcoming and the climate varies from snow-filled mountains to warm beaches.

Who can study in USA?

If you have completed an Upper Secondary Education with satisfactory results, you are eligible to apply to studies in the USA. Studies in the US is for those who:

  • take a gap year and want to try to live in USA - study for a semester or two and take courses of your interest
  • are already enrolled in a university in your home country and want to study a semester or two in USA and transfer the ECTS-points to your education at home (also called Study Abroad/Freemover)
  • dream of studying an entire Degree in the USA e.g. your Bachelor or Master
  • have completed a 2-year further education and want a ‘top-up’ to obtain a Bachelor's Degree
  • want to study their Ph.d. in the USA

Why study in the United States of America?

Adventurous people from all over the world has come to the U.S. with hopes and dreams for centuries. The USA is McDonald's, Hollywood and popular culture but also a lot more than that. American education institutions have a very high academic standard and in addition to studying you will also get the chance to play your favourite sport or get better at your favourite hobby by joining a club at your university. In the U.S you will have more choices and opportunities than anywhere else in the world.

Education in the USA

Education is divided into three levels: College, Bachelor and Master/Graduate studies. Undergraduate studies will normally lead to a Bachelor's degree. A Bachelor degree in the U.S. takes four years, where the first year is a Freshman year.

At graduate level you can take a Master's degree which takes between one and two years. 

If you want to study to be a doctor, vet or a lawyer you will have to take a pre-med, pre-vet or pre-law Bachelor degree which thereby provides the basis for applying admission to the education itself.

Arrival packages in USA

Through us, you can be sure to have the best start to your studies in the US with an arrival package. We offer arrival packages in San Diego and Los Angeles. Read more about our arrival packages for students in USA.

Language skills

In order to study in USA you have to document your English skills. Most universities accept scores from the TOEFL or the IELTS tests as a proof of your English profieciency.

Financing your studies in the USA

Private support

In order to finance the tuition fees to your school in the USA there are several possibilities. Some of the countries in the Nordics offer students public grants to finance studies in the USA. Our study advisers know more. You may also finance your studies in the USA by applying for public and private grants and scholarships. Most of our schools offer scholarships to international students. You can also finance your studies abroad through support from parents or bank loans and in some instances it may be possible to apply for student-jobs while studying in the USA. 

Work and study in the USA

According to the U.S. immigration authorities it is not allowed to work next to the studies during the first nine months unless it is on the university campus. After nine months you will be allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours per week while studying, however full-time work is allowed during holidays only.

Practical information

Visa to the USA

You must have a student visa to study in the the U.S. You will receive the necessary papers from the university, and you will also be called in for an interview at the the U.S. Embassy.  The visa must be granted before you travel to the U.S.

Housing in the USA

Most universities have student dorms where students can live on campus. Food is often included but not for the apartments with own kitchen. The prices vary depending on the standard and they might in some places be relatively high. If you study in the USA through us we give you a discount code for great student accommodation in New York and Santa Barbara. In some instances it may be cheaper to arrange accommodation on your own for example through Craigslist.

When to apply?

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Free guidance

We answer all your questions about studying abroad. Receiving our help is free of charge and there are no stupid questions and no hidden fees written in small print anywhere.

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You will have your own personal study advisor. Together, you tailor your education abroad based on your dreams, wishes and opportunities, and our experience.

We guide you from A-Z

We help you with your very first questions to telling you everything you need to know about subjects, financing, housing, scholarships, visa, and everything in between. You won’t miss any important details.

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