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Travel to Myanmar – A hidden gem in Asia

Beautiful temples, distinctive nature, tasteful art and decoration, and mild and hospitable people, is what will greet you when your travel adventure-seeking urge takes you towards Myanmar. Myanmar is furthermore equipped with a long and beautiful coastline, mountainous regions and lush fields. It will certainly be an interesting country to visit due to its political history and people will nod impressed when you tell tales about your travels to Myanmar

Eating in Myanmar

There are pleasant flavors in the Burmese cuisine. The cornerstone for most dishes in Myanmar is rice, but they also eat both bread and noodles. Dishes are often flanked by shrimp, fish, pork or mutton. 'Mohinga' is by some considered to be Myanmar's national dish. The soup is based on catfish and served with noodles.

Aung San Suu Kyi

Myanmar is a former British colony and gained its independence in 1947. In 1991 Aung San Suu Kyi won the Nobel Peace Prize after an overwhelming victory in the country's parliamentary elections. The victory though, was not recognized by the military government, and Aung San Suu Kyi was put in house arrest. Since then she has been in and out of the house arrest during the years. Her isolation does seem to have come to an end and since May 2012 Aung San Suu Kyi has been a member of the Burmese Parliament.

When to visit Myanmar

Weather in Myanmar is hot and humid with an average annual temperature of over 30 degrees. It is raining most of the period from June to August. The best time to visit Myanmar is during the dry season that starts in October and lasts to the end of February. Right after the rain season in October the country's rice fields are lush and looks like green carpets.

Money in Myanmar

There are ATMs even in the smaller towns nowadays, so no need to carry all of your travel budget in paper denomination. Beware, however, that some ATMs don't accept foreign cards, so you might want to prepare yourself to have a bit extra cash at all times. We recommend that you take out cash at airport on arrival, just in case. If you prefer paying with plastic, you'll be happy to hear that some restaurants and hotels, for example, accept debit and credit cards. Watch out for those extra card fees, though. The logic of card fees varies from place to place, and in some places, you might end up paying more towards the fees than the actual bill.

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